TC15F Series

Control Boxes

The TC15F control box is specifically designed for a variety of ergonomic height-adjustable applications. Incorporating solid-state circuitry, the TC15F provides seamless and quiet operation, eliminating any relay clicks. Experience instantaneous button responses, delivering an exceptional user experience with smooth, uninterrupted, movements. Elevate your workspace with the TC15F for enhanced operational precision and unparalleled ergonomic performance.

General Features

  • Number of motors: 1~2

  • Number of controls: 1

  • Max. output: 32V DC, 12A

  • Back up battery: External battery

  • Options: Supports built-in t-touch/ Bluetooth and external battery

  • Input voltage: 100~240V AC (SMPS)

  • Built-in transformer type: SMPS

  • Plug support: EU, US, AU, UK, or JP

  • Color: Black

  • Operational temperature range: +5°C~+45°C

  • 0.1W standby power consumption

  • Compact design for height adjustable desks

Standard Dimension (mm)


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